Covid-19 Update

We’re happy to say we are open regular hours again. We are open Mondays thru Saturdays from 10 AM to 5 PM. We continue to adhere to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines including:
1) Social distancing requires everyone to stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people.
2) Everyone should wear a cloth face cover when they have to go out in public.

All Tee 2 Court staff will be wearing masks and we will require all customers to wear masks also. We understand that not everyone is comfortable wearing a mask but to best ensure the safety of our associates and customers we will strictly enforce that policy. We will do our best to make a mask available to any customer who doesn’t have their own subject to availability.

Some other changes that have been implemented during the health crisis include:
1) Once a dressing room has been used, it will be closed for the remainder of the day. Clothing that has been tried on will be separated for 2 days before returning to stock. Because of social distancing each customer will be asked to bring all the clothes that they tried on out of the dressing room and hang the pieces they don’t want to purchase on a special rack.

Returns will also be handled differently. Each customer will help to process the return and those returned items will be ‘quarantined’ for 5 days.
Sales will be credit card and gift card only. No cash for now. The credit card machine will face the customer and only they will touch the credit card.

For those who don’t yet feel comfortable shopping in our store, they can call and order a specific item or items and we can process the sale over the phone and have it bagged and ready for you to pickup. We can even bring it out to your car when you arrive! We can also ship an order to you if that is more convenient.

All items in stock will be another 15% off at the counter!!!

Our staff is committed to trying to provide as pleasant of a shopping experience as possible during these difficult times but our number one concern is the health and safety of our staff and customers! We hope to see you soon.



